Chapters Transcript Setting Up and Operating the Kangaroo™ Connect (Long Version) Learn how to set up and operate the Kangaroo™ Connect. this video will walk you through basic pump set up operation and the correction of common alarm conditions for the kangaroo. Connect. Central Feeding Pump. Please refer to your operator's manual for a complete list of operations warnings and Contra indications for pump usage system set up before you begin using the pump, you will need to be sure that it is fully charged or connected to a power supply. Plug the power adapter into the power adapter port located on the left side of the pump. Plug the other two pronged end of the power adapter into a nearby a sea outlet. Check to see that the A C indicator light is on. To confirm that the pump is receiving power from the wall outlet. Be sure to charge the pump for a minimum of seven hours before initial use. The kangaroo connect central feeding pump can be attached to a vertical pole. Using the pole clamp included with the pump. Tighten the knob so the pump does not slide down the pole. The plastic retention plate is designed to be rotated in 90 degree increments. Toe. Allow attachment toe, a horizontal table, top service or a horizontal bed. rail, rotate the latch plate connector toe look like an upside down letter. You match the you on the back of the pump with the poll clamp latch plate and slide the pump down until it has been properly seated. To remove the pump, gently pull upward on the pump until it pops upward off the latch plate. Preparing to feed. Hang the prepared feeding set bag or fluid container so the starting volume of fluid is 10 inches above the top of the pump has shown press the power button centered below the pump screen to power up the pump. If you have used the pump previously, your last settings were automatically retained for you. Press. Keep settings to keep the settings from the last feeding. Otherwise, press clear settings. Next, you'll see the load set screen. Follow the animated instructions on the screen, sliding the bottom pegs of the cassette up into the slots, then locking the top into place. The set loaded screen will confirm that the pump has correctly identified the feeding set. You're now ready to prime the feeding set. Press the prime button to continue Note the warning on the screen. Select Auto Prime toe automatically prime the feeding set. The pump will show an animated timing sequence, indicating the prime is in process. Wait for the prime ing to complete. Once the auto prime is complete, the feeding solution will stop short of the feeding set connector to top off the tubing. Press and hold the hold to prime button until prime is complete. To continue with pump set up press done if desired. Hold to prime can be used instead for a manual prime press and hold the hold to prime button to begin the manual. Prime press done when complete upon completion of the prime, the ready to feed screen will appear. Press adjust feed, then adjust rate toe. Enter the feeding rate. Press the plus or minus buttons to increase or decrease the rate. Push and hold on either button to accelerate the numbers. Press okay when finished and done to return to the feeding screen, the screen should now say Ready to feed Confirmed the rates shown matches the rate prescribed Once confirmed, press the start button to begin feeding. Once started, you must press the pause button to change settings. MAWR options to access the features of clear amount. Fed airplane mode, view history, adjust brightness or to re prime the pump press the more options button. Use the arrow keys toe. Highlight the feature you want to activate. Once highlighted, press the select button to activate the highlighted feature. Ah, check mark should appear next to the feature. Press the back button, then continue to resume feeding. Additional information is available in your operator's manual. Adjusting feed settings. The dose feature on the pump is used to establish a fixed volume of formula to be delivered to the patient. One time once the dose limit is reached, the pump will stop operation with feeding complete but will not sound a feedbag. Empty alarm. This is especially useful for nighttime feedings from the feeding screen Pause operation. If the pump is feeding, select the adjust feed button. If the dose feature has been enabled, the adjust dose button will appear below the adjust rate button. Press the adjust dose button to set the maximum amount of feeding solution to be delivered. Select Okay, then done to return to the feeding screen. Select start to begin feeding. If he adjust dose button does not appear. You will need to enable the dose feature. She advanced settings to enable the dose. Feature advanced settings. Each time you power on the pump, you will select keep or clear settings if you have already primed the set. Select skip prime when prompted. Adjusting Bullis The bullets option allows you to enter a fixed amount of feeding solution to be delivered to the patient, repeating at a fixed interval. Select the just bullets. Press each of the option buttons to input the rate. Boulis is volume and interval after each item has received input. Press done to activate press start to begin feeding. Adjusting Katie Oh Katie Oh is the keep tube open feature for the pump. This feature allows you to temporarily pause operation of the pump, all allowing a very small amount of formula to flow through the feeding set. See the operator's manual for exact amounts. The K T O screen will show a countdown until feeding resumes. Activate the K T O feature during the feeding cycle by pressing the K T O button. The feeding will be paused. You may adjust the duration of the K T O session on this screen when finished, select okay to a NPAs the pump and resume feeding. Select Continue. The pump allows the user to lock the input screen to prevent accidental button presses during portable use. This is especially helpful when transporting the pump in a backpack from the pump feeding screen Press and hold the lock screen button for five seconds. Ah, countdown will appear to show how long toe hold the button. Once activated, ah, lock symbol will appear on the feeding screen, showing that the buttons are disabled. To disable the lock screen so the buttons can be reactivated. Press and hold the unlock screen button for five seconds. The buttons will now be re enabled. Maintenance and troubleshooting. Please see the operator's manual for complete cautions, instructions and appropriate cleaning solutions. It is recommended that the pump be cleaned after each feeding set use to prevent bacterial contamination of the pump. Further failure to clean the pump can interfere with the function of the pump. Roeder, which can increase the occurrence of errors and warning alarms, always clean and or disinfect the pump after each use. When these devices air used for multiple patients, this is to prevent spreading bacteria, viruses and other germs between patients that interact with same pump directions for cleaning the pump housing. Clean the outside surface with a damp cloth or sponge for difficult to clean areas. It is permissible to wash the pump under running water. Avoid submerging the pumper washing with high pressure nozzles. Directions for cleaning the power adapter. Unless soiling is observed, the power adapter should not be cleaned. If cleaning is necessary, unplug from the outlet and wipe the exterior surfaces of the wall. Plug with a cloth dampened with isopropyl alcohol. Notifications alarms the pump status. Led indicator. Lights on the upper right of the pump face give a quick visual indication of the pump status, especially in darkened rooms. A solid green light indicates the pump is feeding. Blinking green light indicates the pump is ready for operation, but not feeding. A solid yellow light indicates an informational notice. Ah, blinking yellow light indicates a caution. Ah, blinking red light indicates a critical warning. For information on specific alarms, consult your operator's manual or customer service if you need additional information. Thank you for viewing the Kangaroo Connect training video Created by