Chapters Transcript Additional options while feeding with Kangaroo OMNI™ Additional options are available while feeding is in progress with the Kangaroo Omni enter feeding pump to stop feeding. Press the stop button at any time. If using a feed and flush set, the pump can immediately perform a flush while feeding is in progress to do so press flush now press the plus and minus buttons to input the desired flush volume. Press start to begin the flush a screen with an animated blue droplet will appear. This means the flush is in progress. The pump will automatically start feeding again once the flush is complete to pause feeding, use the timed pause feature to pause the pump between five and 240 minutes to do this, press the timed pause button. The default pause is five minutes to increase the duration press adjust duration, press the plus and minus buttons to select the new duration press. Ok. To confirm the desired pause time, the pump will automatically go back to feeding once the timed pause is complete to end time to pause early press resume to immediately resume feeding. You may also lock the input screen of the pump to prevent accidental button presses during portable use to lock the input screen press and hold the lock screen button for five seconds. When the pump is in use, a lock symbol will appear once the screen has been locked and the buttons will be disabled to unlock the input screen press and hold the unlock screen button for five seconds. The lock symbol will disappear once the screen has been unlocked and the buttons will be re enabled. For more information. Please refer to the kangaroo Omni enteral feeding pump instructions for use. Created by